Andre Neuhaus

Managing Director
Engineering, Energy
25 Years

The new way to use your own electricity!

We have been using solar energy to generate electricity for decades. A lot has changed in recent years along this long path to power generation. The solar modules have a higher efficiency and significantly more power than a few years ago. The inverters and battery storage have also improved enormously. A quantum leap in the use of solar power is in full swing.

Our concern is to put the use of our own electricity in the foreground, the sale of electricity to the local EVU (electricity supplier) is only of secondary importance. By using our technology, it is already possible today to use the power supply as self-sufficiently as possible. Excess electricity continues to be fed into the existing grid. Public electricity can only be used to charge the battery on particularly unfavorable days. Depending on the design of the battery storage, up to 2 days can be bridged even without sun. Our on-site employees will be happy to advise you.

Professional Skills

Wind Turbines
68 %
Solar Panels
85 %
Hybrid Energy
25 %

Personal Experience

If you are considering installing a heat pump in your home, you should definitely check out the grant offered by SEAI. Houses constructed after 2005 are generally well insulated and have a low heat loss. This makes them heat pump ready. If you are replacing a boiler or thinking of renovating your home, we strongly recommend you install a heat pump rather than a gas or oil dependent technologies such system pumps and solar panels.

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