Frequently asked Questions
FAQ1.What rules should be observed when installing solar panels?
Connecting solar panels requires a competent attitude when choosing the installation site. The following rules must be observed:
- Selected points on the roof of the house should be the most illuminated most of the time. There must be no obstacles in the form of trees or tall buildings between the work surface and the sun.
- Regardless of the season, it is preferable to install panels on the south side of the roof. The retreat areas run west and east, but not north.
- Easy access to the panels is a must. Periodically, the surfaces must be cleaned of snow, dirt and dust, otherwise the efficiency of the station will drop several times.
The average angle of inclination of the solar panels should correspond to the latitude of the region of the upcoming operation. Example: The Moscow region has the coordinates 55° 45' 0" - this is the optimal angle for mounting the module.
At different times of the year, the activity of the sun is not the same. You can adjust the angle of the panels for specific months and times of the year, but the accuracy of such calculations is conditional. It's more productive to take average values (example above) and increase generation efficiency in other ways.
2.What options are there for improving the efficiency of power generation?
First, the installation angle of the solar panels on the roof can be adjusted according to the latitude of the region. There are several ways to increase the efficiency of a solar power plant:
- Durch den Einsatz motorisierter beweglicher Arme, an denen sich die Paneele tagsÞber der Sonne zuwenden. Der Prozess kann automatisiert werden, indem man der KI vertraut, oder Sie kÃķnnen entsprechende VorgÃĪnge selbst durchfÞhren.
- Berechnen Sie die FlÃĪche des Moduls entsprechend der SonnenaktivitÃĪt im Winter. Im Sommer wird ÞberschÞssiger Strom an das externe Netz abgegeben (geeignet fÞr reversible Anlagen).
- Stellen Sie das Modul anhand der Anzahl der Sonnenstunden im Sommer zusammen. Der Mangel an Strom im Winter wird durch Bezug aus dem zentralen Netz (Kombi-, Verbundstationen) ausgeglichen. Eine Alternative besteht darin, Filmpanels fÞr die Saison einzusetzen. Diese Option ist bei der Installation flexibel â sie kann durch Zuschneiden an die Geometrie und OberflÃĪche angepasst und fÞr die Sommersaison entfernt werden.
In all diesen FÃĪllen ist es wichtig, einen QualitÃĪtsregler und einen geeigneten Wechselrichter auszuwÃĪhlen. Die Effizienz der Station hÃĪngt direkt vom Betrieb dieser Elemente ab. Mit einem intelligenten Rechner kÃķnnen Sie die optimale AbdeckungsflÃĪche mit Solarmodulen berechnen. Die Programmalgorithmen berÞcksichtigen die klimatischen Gegebenheiten der Region, die Art des Objekts, die erwartete Belastung und daraus wird die erwartete Amortisation des Projekts abgeleitet.
Auch die Art des Panels beeinflusst die Effizienz der Station. Monokristalline Elemente liefern unter gÞnstigen Bedingungen eine Rendite von bis zu 26 %, ein Polykristall liefert bis zu 20 %, ist aber in der Lage, Streulicht effektiv zu absorbieren (bei bewÃķlktem Wetter funktioniert die Station normal). Die Rendite durch den Einsatz von Filmmodellen liegt bei 12 % â es handelt sich um eine universelle Hilfsoption.
3.What to do before installing solar panels on the roof of the house?
Step by step you need to perform the following operations:
âĒ Determine the area of the solar panels, their installation location and the type of panels.
âĒ Display the appropriate tilt angle according to the latitude of the region.
âĒ Consider opportunities for productive use of the station in the winter season.
âĒ Calculate the roof load and reinforce the roof construction if necessary.
âĒ Carry out the installation in the chosen way.
âĒ Connect the panels to the controller or inverter and battery (if applicable).
4.Which is better: polycrystal or monocrystal?
The theoretical efficiency of a monocrystalline solar cell is higher than that of a polycrystalline one, however the overall efficiency of a solar module differs from that of a solar cell and is influenced by the processing quality. Therefore, for a manufacturer, the efficiency of polycrystalline panels may not differ much from the efficiency of single-crystal panels.
5.How does a solar panel work?
The panel consists of a certain number of interconnected cells. A cell has a voltage of 0.5 V and a current of 3-7 A (depending on the cell size). Example: If the module consists of 36 chips connected in series, then the voltage in the module is calculated as: 36*0.5=18V.
6.What happens if the sun doesn't shine in winter, for example?
Solar panels collect not only direct but also indirect sunlight. This means that the modules continue to produce electricity even on cloudy days and in winter the snow reflects the sun's rays, increasing the amount of solar energy that the modules receive.
6.Should the system be constantly washed or cleaned?
When the panel is tilted at an angle of more than 20 degrees to the horizon, rain cleans the panels from contamination, the panel is covered with a special self-cleaning glass. If the angle is less than 20 degrees, the cleanliness of the plate should be monitored at least once a month and cleaned if necessary.
6.Do silicon crystals in solar modules wear out?
Yes, silicon crystals lose their performance over time. After 20 years of operation, the panel performance is about 80% of the original performance. The average warranty period for panel manufacturers is currently 25 years.