Category: Solar modules

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Installation of solar panels

What needs to be taken into account during installation?

Solar energy production can provide emergency power, complete system autonomy or a reduction in overall energy consumption. But only if the solar modules are installed properly.

Due to its design, the solar battery is a rectangular module made up of individual cells. By the way, it is a huge transistor or photoelectric converter that converts conditional photons into conditional electrons, adjusted for efficiency.

Battery efficiency is determined by the material of the cells: monocrystalline silicon batteries have an efficiency of about 20%, polycrystalline ones are slightly less efficient, amorphous ones convert 10% of sunlight into electricity.

Where does the remaining 80-90% of solar energy go? They are converted into heat and heat the solar module to quite high temperatures. If the battery is installed incorrectly, it is possible to fry the scrambled eggs alone because there is not enough power to turn on electrical appliances. Therefore, certain installation rules must be observed.

General rules for installing solar panels

When installing solar panels, five factors must be taken into account, the combination of which ultimately determines the location and type of installation:

  1. Heat dissipation
  2. Shadow
  3. Orientation
  4. Tilt
  5. Availability for the service

As mentioned above, heat dissipation plays an important role in maintaining battery performance. It is essential to leave a ventilation gap between the panel and the mounting level; the larger it is, the better. Usually, when assembling a frame or frame for mounting modules, 5-10 centimeters are left between the panel and the plane. When mounted on a separate frame or pole, maximum ventilation is ensured.

Any shadow falling on the battery from trees or buildings “turns off” the shaded cell, accelerating the deterioration of expensive single-crystalline modules and completely stopping power generation in polycrystalline modules. In order to minimize the risk of a “hot spot” caused by an interruption in the electrical circuit, manufacturers offer various options that must be taken into account when purchasing. However, it is better to install the battery in such a way that the “hard” shadow cannot fall on it in any way. A “soft” shadow caused by fog, clouds or smog does not harm the battery, but simply reduces the power output.

You need to face the battery south for maximum sunlight exposure. All other installation methods are compromises and should not be considered. It would be unreasonable to spend tens of thousands of rubles on purchasing modules, but it would be unreasonable not to point the battery at the sun. Solar radiation maps for different regions of the Russian Federation are published on the Internet and are publicly available. The central strip of Russia is located mainly in the 2nd solar radiation zone, where from 1 sq.m. Meters of a properly installed ideal solar panel can produce up to 3 kWh/day.

The inclination of the solar battery is taken equal to the latitude of the object’s location or parallel. For example, for Moscow it is 55 degrees from the horizontal, for St. Petersburg it is 60 degrees and for Sochi it is 43 degrees. At the same time, it is better to reduce the angle of inclination of the battery by 12-15 degrees compared to the optimum in spring and increase it by the same amount in winter to capture the maximum flux of sunlight.

Installation of solar panels on the roof

The availability of a battery for quick cleaning of the surface allows you to carry out this simple procedure without involving specialists. In winter the surface must be freed from snow and in summer from dust and dirt caused by wind and rain. If there is an object under construction nearby, the surface of the modules must be cleaned daily. The easiest way to do this is with a jet of water from a hose or a window cleaning brush.

Ways to install solar panels

The best installation location is the roof of the building as it protrudes as far as possible over objects and trees, provides the least shade and eliminates the need to set up a separate installation location on the site.

Even if the angle of inclination of the roof and its orientation do not coincide with the optimal ones, it is possible to fix and correctly align the modules using frame structures. Since the batteries have a large lateral resistance, the rigidity of the frame must be calculated taking into account the wind load.

The optimal material for mounting the frame are metal corners or special profiles for mounting solar modules. A wooden beam structure quickly loses its strength and shape under the influence of wind and precipitation.

If installation on the roof is not possible, the modules are installed on the ground, where there is no shadow and the possibility of rigidly fixing the base of the frame or the support bar. This installation method is good because it provides maximum air cooling to the panels.

To install small solar panel arrays, you can use the south wall of the house or outbuilding. In this case, the surface adjacent to the back of the module should be painted white to ensure minimal heating and maximum light diffusion. With a translucent, frameless solar system, both the outside and the back are active, so that the reflected light is also converted into energy. If you install a solar panel in a snowy field in winter, the power generation capacity can increase by 1.5 times due to the high reflectivity of the white snow cover.

How to choose the right location

Based on the above, the location for installing solar panels must meet the following criteria:

  1. lack of shade;
  2. Easy accessibility;
  3. Removal of dust sources, for example a highway;
  4. South orientation;
  5. There is a good wind, but taking into account the high side winding of the modules.

If you feel like your system doesn’t have locations that meet these requirements, don’t despair or be quick to give up on an endless source of free solar energy.

The Energy Center company’s specialists have extensive experience in the purchase and installation of solar power plants of any capacity. On the “With Light” page you can get free advice to any extent – call, order a callback or use the online chat.

Over the last 10 years, the prices of solar systems have fallen several times, making this method of energy production affordable and profitable. Contact the experts and be with the light!

Even if the angle of inclination of the roof and its orientation do not coincide with the optimal ones, it is possible to fix and correctly align the modules using frame structures. Since the batteries have a large lateral resistance, the rigidity of the frame must be calculated taking into account the wind load.

The optimal material for mounting the frame are metal corners or special profiles for mounting solar modules. A wooden beam structure quickly loses its strength and shape under the influence of wind and precipitation.

If installation on the roof is not possible, the modules are installed on the ground, where there is no shadow and the possibility of rigidly fixing the base of the frame or the support bar. This installation method is good because it provides maximum air cooling to the panels.

To install small solar panel arrays, you can use the south wall of the house or outbuilding. In this case, the surface adjacent to the back of the module should be painted white to ensure minimal heating and maximum light diffusion. With a translucent, frameless solar system, both the outside and the back are active, so that the reflected light is also converted into energy. If you install a solar panel in a snowy field in winter, the power generation capacity can increase by 1.5 times due to the high reflectivity of the white snow cover.

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What you need to know about solar panels for your home

Where are solar modules most commonly used?

Solar Energie

The area of application for solar modules is huge. They are already being used successfully to power private and multi-family homes and households, including lighting and heating greenhouses and buildings, lighting the surrounding area and powering devices.

Most often, autonomous power supply is considered in the following cases:

â€Ē  If the area is not electrified, solar panels for a private home will cost much less than using oil generators.
â€Ē  In rural areas, electricity is often shut off, leaving people literally without power. By turning on the autonomous power supply, you can live in the usual comfort for a long time, especially since a battery is always included with solar panels.
â€Ē  Apartment buildings also use solar panels as a backup, and there are projects that use solar energy to heat water.

Lifespan of solar modules

The documentation for devices usually states a shelf life of 20 to 25 or even 30 years. However, many devices continue to work even after the time period specified by the manufacturer. For example, the world’s first solar battery has been in operation for over 60 years, and over the years the production technology has improved significantly.

If you follow simple recommendations, the service life of solar panels can be increased:

â€Ē  Avoid physical damage such as falling trees, gusts of wind, and scratches on the sensors. The efficiency of the device depends on the latter.
â€Ē  Regular maintenance: maintenance and cleaning.
â€Ē  If necessary, install windbreaks.

Solar modules for a private house (ready-made kits) include the following components in the system: batteries and power electronics. The service life of the first devices is from 2 to 15 years, that of the second – from 5 to 20 years, depending on the characteristics, intensity of operation and careful maintenance.

General characteristics and availability of purchase

The device does not harm the environment and provides a stable power supply without voltage spikes. And most importantly, it provides free energy with no utility bills.

The solar panel converts light into electrical energy by generating direct current. The area of the panels can reach several meters. If the performance of the system needs to be increased, increase the number of modules. Their effectiveness depends on the intensity of sunlight and the angle of incidence of the rays: the location, the season, the climatic conditions and the time of day. In order to correctly take into account all these nuances, the installation should be carried out by professionals.

Types of modules:

â€Ē  Monocrystalline.
Consist of silicon cells that convert solar energy. Differ in compact sizes. In terms of performance, this is until recently the most efficient (efficiency up to 22%) solar battery for the home. A set (its price is one of the most expensive) costs from 100,000 rubles.
â€Ē  Polycrystalline.
They use polycrystalline silicon. They are not as efficient (up to 18% efficiency) as monocrystalline solar cells. However, because they are much cheaper, they are available to the general population.
â€Ē  Amorphous.
They have thin-film solar cells based on silicon. They are inferior to mono and polycrystals in terms of energy production, but are also cheaper. Their advantage is the ability to function in diffuse and even weak light.
â€Ē  Heterostructural.
Modern and most efficient solar modules today with an efficiency of 22-25% (over their entire service life!). They work effectively in both cloudy weather and high temperatures.

The system also includes the following components:

â€Ē An inverter that converts direct current to alternating current.
â€Ē Accumulator battery. Not only does it store energy, but it also compensates for voltage drops when light levels change.
â€Ē Controller for battery charging voltage, charging mode, temperature and other parameters.

You can purchase individual components as well as entire systems from us. The performance of the devices is determined based on needs.

The principle of operation of a solar power plant at home

A solar power plant is a system consisting of modules, an inverter, a battery and a controller. The solar panel converts radiant energy into electricity (as mentioned above). Direct current enters the controller, which distributes the power to consumers (for example, a computer or lighting). An inverter converts direct current into alternating current and powers most household electrical appliances. The battery stores energy that can be used at night.